Notes about Zoom and Hangout Meetings: Never share the links or invites with anyone else or post them publicly. Everything is meant to stay private just between you, the other members invited and your parents. This is for everybody’s safety and privacy. The following screenshots include what would normally be confidential information that should not be shared, but for demonstration purposes it is being left visible.
When you get a Google Calendar Invite it usually includes the relevant information for your meeting or classes. At the top it will include the When, Where, and Who sent the invite. It also shows you a quick view of other things on your calendar under Agenda so you can easily see if you already have something scheduled at that time.
It's a good idea to hit "Yes" or "No" inside the invite to let the person that invited you know if you will make the meeting.
When you hit "Yes" it will show up in your calendar like a normal event. When you hit "No" it will still show the event in your calendar, but it will be crossed out. Choosing Yes on the invite also means you will automatically get an email notification reminding you to join about 10 minutes before the event starts (Assuming your Calendar settings are set to default settings).
You can always later go to your Google Calendar or the Email Invite and change your choice to Yes if you know you can make it or back to No if you know you can't.
In the calendar invite screenshot below, you will see the Yes/No options as well as the meeting links pointed out by green arrows.
I've included both Zoom and Google Meet example screenshots. Pay attention to how the events look in the calendar screenshot afterwards based if I chose Yes or No.
Zoom Example with Yes Chosen:
See the green arrow pointing to the Join Zoom Meeting link? When it’s time for your meeting to start, you can click that link and go straight to your meeting.
Google Meet Example with No Chosen:
See the green arrow pointing to the Join Hangouts Meet link? When it’s time for your meeting to start, you can click that link and go straight to your meeting.
My Google Calendar View. Notice the two events pointed at by the green arrow:
You can click either of the events in your Google Calendar to change your RSVP from Yes to No. You can also find the Join Meeting links on those events.
Notes about Zoom and Hangout Meetings: Never share the links or invites with anyone else or post them publicly. Everything is meant to stay private just between you, the other members invited and your parents. This is for everybody’s safety and privacy.